
Karen Lincoln standing behind a chair in her office. Karen Lincoln, is a UC Irvine professor of environmental and occupational health who directs the campus’s Center for Environmental Health Disparities Research

‘Who Wants to Be a Study Subject’

Karen Lincoln fosters trust by sharing results, hosting follow-up events like game shows

Rupert Whitehead, a trombonist with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, plays next to Terry Taylor, who had a stroke three years ago and whose right eye was affected by Bell’s palsy after a COVID-19 shot. Taylor, who also has spells of vertigo, wears a shirt that says, “I’m not clumsy. I’m performing random gravity checks.”

Music as medicine

UCI collaborates with London orchestra on stroke rehabilitation program

Patient Project volunteers work on an arts-and-crafts activity with a resident at Irvine’s Inn at Woodbridge senior living community.

Alleviating elder isolation

UCI undergraduate club’s mission is to foster connections in senior centers

UCI Health stroke patients to participate in dynamic, music-focused rehab workshop

UC Irvine music students will join UK’s Royal Philharmonic in Strokestra program

Peter Burke, UCI professor of electrical engineering and computer science

UC Irvine-led team of researchers uncovers battery-like functions of mitochondria

First-of-their-kind findings made possible by new generation of powerful microscopes

Joshua Grill, co-director of UCI MIND and associate professor of psychiatry & human behavior.

UC Irvine is part of $16 million effort to increase dementia research representation

More Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders sought for studies on aging

Michael Yassa and a woman looking at ta computer monitor.

Addressing disparities in Alzheimer’s disease research

UCI project focused on Black and Hispanic adults to serve as beacon of inclusivity

UCI is key member of multi-institutional, $126 million NIH brain mapping project

Campus to receive $10 million over five years for role in Cell Atlas Network

Bryce Mander

Research reveals how brain inflammation may link Alzheimer’s risk, sleep disturbance

Multisite team included UCI, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Wake Forest University

Professor of public health gets grant to study in utero effects on male and female lifespans

Tim Bruckner, Ph.D., professor of health, society and behavior in the Program in Public Health, has been awarded a two-year, $450,000 grant from the National Institute on Aging to study the differences in male and female lifespans. According to health data, men do not live as long as women, and Bruckner and his team will […]