Balancing act

Alison Clarke-Stewart weighs research findings with a healthy dose of common sense

Drawing blood

Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez tackles current events with gusto, sparing no one. He is a self-professed “equal opportunity offender.”

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence

Information is power

For Hoda Anton-Culver, data is key to the early detection and treatment of cancer

Projection of hope

Researchers show how existing therapies may be used to treat the debilitating effects of Huntington’s disease

Lord of the dance

At 70, professor, choreographer and artistic mentor Donald McKayle is not missing a beat

Somehow, he makes it work

For a guy who gets little screen time and unlikable roles, Jon Lovitz leaves a big impression spiked with sympathy

True to his words

Alumnus Glenn Schaeffer raises the stakes in world literature

A modern Galileo

How UCI chemist F. Sherwood Rowland saved the world

Troubled waters (1)

Pollution from unknown sources has forced the closing of dozens of Southern California beaches. Orange County officials have turned to UCI’s Stan Grant for help