School of Social Ecology building on UCI campus

UCI online criminology master’s program ranked #1 in the nation for second year in a row

Named 2021 best in criminal justice by U.S. News & World Report

UCI alum Vincent Steckler speaking to student in a lecture hall.

Alumnus Vincent Steckler ’80 and his wife donate $10.4 million to UCI

Gift will support art history students, create ICS center promoting inclusiveness

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Running for city council as a 24-year-old PhD student

Dylan Green describes the challenges of seeking local elected office, and why more scientists should do so

Book cover: Patience and Pandemic

UCI students publish book about life under quarantine

Patience and Pandemic is a collection of photos, essays and poems

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Undoing Trump’s environmental regulation rollbacks

Alex Camacho discusses ways the Biden administration can advance its environmental agenda.

UCI Health CEO Chad Lefteris

UCI Health receives COVID-19 vaccine

First batch of 3,000 will be given to frontline healthcare employees

Jan D. Hirsch, dean of UCI’s School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

UCI, UCSD study: People more likely to pick up prescriptions via automated kiosks

Workplace ‘ATMs’ promoted patient health, saved money, maintained quality of care

Diary of a Med Student book surrounded by a tie, laptop and stethoscope
UCI Podcast Indicator

Alleviating med school angst

UCI duo publish ‘diary’ of peer experiences from across country to show students they’re not alone

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: How Amy Coney Barrett could reshape the Supreme Court

With just weeks to go before the election, the Senate has launched confirmation hearings for President Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Conservatives have praised her judicial approach, while liberals are worried that she could contribute to undoing the gains they’ve made on social issues in recent decades — and […]

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: What could cause an election meltdown?

UCI elections expert and law professor Rick Hasen discusses what voters can do to make sure their vote is counted