Study highlights key social forces shaping worldwide academic freedom trends

UC Irvine sociologists find liberty to teach and learn is being threatened

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Underground Scholar Shawn Khalifa shares his journey

How education helped formerly incarcerated student overcome societal barriers

Jonathan Watanabe, UCI professor of clinical pharmacy.

UC Irvine study reveals surge in use of weight loss-linked drugs in California health system

Access, supply and cost issues for GLP-1 agonists must be addressed as more growth projected

Baruch D. Kupperman, director of the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute

A decade of visionary achievement

UCI’s Gavin Herbert Eye Institute celebrates its 10th anniversary

Jeffrey Kopstein, UCI professor of political science.

Building bridges

New director discusses goals for UCI’s Center for Jewish Studies

Greg J. Duncan, UCI Distinguished Professor of education points to a graph on a white board.

National Academies report identifies ways to reduce intergenerational poverty in US

UC Irvine Distinguished Professor chairs committee recommending programs, policies

Dyonne Bergeron, UCI Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Advancing inclusive excellence

Dyonne Bergeron, UCI’s new chief diversity officer, plans to build on solid foundation

Researchers in field.

UC Irvine leads regional project to reduce climate change risks in California

$5.5 million effort will prioritize community engagement, environmental justice

A photograph of two Mandarin oranges, one of which is rotting.

Curbing waste improves global food security but has limited environmental benefits

UC Irvine, CU Boulder researchers find that better efficiency leads to more consumption

A student wearing a head cap with sensors attached for a sleep study.

Wake-Up Call

UCI researchers dive deep in search of health-sleep links