Reg Penner

Solar energy center aids product development

UC Irvine scientists believe sunlight is the fuel of the future.

UCI chemist awarded Faraday Medal

Reg Penner, UC Irvine chemistry professor and Center for Solar Energy director, has been awarded the 2009 Faraday Medal from…

Andrew Penner

Study shows ethnicity isn’t black and white

Losing your job or doing jail time can affect how people perceive your racial background, according to a recent study co-authored by Andrew Penner, UC Irvine sociology assistant professor.

chemist Reg Penner

Kicking the oil habit

Can the U.S. cure its addiction to oil? To help wean the country from its petroleum habit, UC Irvine researchers have been working to find viable sources of alternative energy – from deep in the earth to the sun. Here, researchers Scott Samuelsen, Reg Penner and Derek Dunn-Rankin discuss their work on transforming solar power, […]