UC Irvine receives $1 million gift for its new law school's library

The Joan Irvine Smith and Athalie R. Clarke Foundation has made a $1 million gift to the new School of…

Omega-3 fatty acid may help prevent Alzheimer's brain lesions

A type of omega-3 fatty acid may slow the growth of two brain lesions that are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, UC Irvine scientists have discovered…

Compassionate calling

Day or night, oncology nurse Julie Boyle is there for her patients

Of mice and medicine

Frank LaFerla and his transgenic mouse move UCI to the forefront of Alzheimer’s research

Healing with heart

Dr. Marianne Cinat gently restores health and hope to burn victims

Value added

Chancellor Michael Drake sees a values-driven UCI shaping the 21st century

Art of healing

Johanna Shapiro’s creative efforts infuse medical training with the human touch

Nobel calling

The prize is welcome, but Irwin Rose finds his work equally rewarding

Stimulating stem cells

Field holds tremendous promise, which UCI researchers are working to fulfill

Understanding autism

Research by Pauline Filipek shows early diagnosis can lead to profoundly improved lives