Acting on the faculty’s behalf

Martha Mecartney brings dramatic flair to Academic Senate

Lion king

Jeffrey Chin and other UCI students find new audiences for ancient Chinese dance

Committed to the campus

To longtime staffer and alumna Barbara Noble, UCI offers lessons in life

Raising her sights

Student Ana Urzua sets new goals thanks to Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Sherry Main takes on a new role as Staff Assembly chair

Staff Assembly had a problem. The group had a logo that looked, in the words of outgoing chair Ramona Agrela, “like a piece of cheese.” No design met with the assembly’s approval. Then Sherry Main stepped in. Main listened to everyone’s suggestions about how the logo should look – an informal, casually drawn Anteater – […]

Energy minded

Kathy Haq is helping to tell the world about UCI’s National Fuel Cell Research Center

Campus hosts CUCSA delegation and President Dynes

UCI hosted the quarterly meeting of the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies June 7-9, a series of roundtable discussions on matters that concern staff attended by UC President Robert C. Dynes, UCI Chancellor Michael Drake and delegates from throughout the university system. Dedicated to promoting communication between staff and the administration, the council is an […]

Walking on water

Graduating commencement speaker is a valuable resource – like the element she studies

Mr. Coffee

Professor Steven Topik finds a world of history in a simple cup o’ Joe

Engineering attention

Professor of the Year Martha Mecartney goes out on a limb to liven up the classroom