Easing congestion

On the road with Kenneth Small – traffic expert, professor emeritus of economics and Lauds & Laurels winner

Students unveil environmentally friendly dorm room

The Green Campus Program and Student Housing Wednesday unveiled “The Green Room,” a tour room at the Mesa Court housing…

Student centered

A conversation with Vice Chancellor Manuel Gómez

Of mice and medicine

Frank LaFerla and his transgenic mouse move UCI to the forefront of Alzheimer’s research

Getting centered (1)

Inspired by the Dalai Lama, senior Rajiv Ramdeo starts meditation club on campus

Welcome to the neighborhood

Assistant Professor Rachel Martin moves into UCI’s new International Village

Walking on water

Graduating commencement speaker is a valuable resource – like the element she studies

Outsider looking in

Exploring the tiniest of places, geneticist Douglas Wallace is onto something really big

From ranch to research university

UCI celebrates 40 years of innovation

Students’ guide to the COSMOS

Program director nurtures future scientists with creative touch