Elizabeth Munoz

Reaching out to the elderly

Elizabeth Munoz studies how emotions affect the health of seniors.

UC Irvine outfielder named to trophy watch list

Senior outfielder Matt Morris has been named to the Dick Howser Trophy watch list, an annual award given to the…

Digital illustration of a side profile of a human head and neck in a stylized X-ray effect, highlighting the skull and sinuses with bones in blue and sinuses in shades of orange

The Nose Knows Where Memories Go

Studying the connection between olfaction and the brain’s ability to remember things

Bryce Mander, UC Irvine associate professor of psychiatry & human behavior

UC Irvine-led study links sleep apnea severity during REM stage to verbal memory decline

Novel findings among elders at risk for Alzheimer’s open door to personalized interventions

Saurabh Chatterjee

UC Irvine study shows damaging impact of heat waves on vital organs

Heat stress affects brain, gut and liver function via a complex network of molecular mediators

An elderly woman who had never seen a physician in her life hugs Dr. Cristobal Barrios Jr. of UCI Health during his humanitarian visit to Ecuador last year.

Surgeon leads overseas medical missions to poor villages

UCI doctor most recently took a group of volunteers to Ecuador

Robert S. Chang, founder and executive director of the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality.

Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality and Robert S. Chang to join UCI Law

Center integrates research, advocacy and education to promote racial equity and social justice

Chieh Huang, percussionist and Ph.D. student in the dept. of music at UCI.

Championing culture through musical composition

Doctoral student is paying homage to an endangered language through her dissertation

Jessica Ortiz wearing a cap and gown, while holding a Mexican flag across her back as she walks away from the camera.

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

Campuswide stories and resources highlight the commitment to support a Latino-thriving community at UCI

Jonathan Watanabe, Associate Dean, UCI School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

ADA protections include people with opioid use disorder, notes UCI pharmacist

The escalating rate of opioid use disorder in the elderly population is a serious public health issue. As the number of older adults increases, the proportion seeking treatment is on the rise. These patients are seen in hospitals, ambulatory clinics and post-acute care settings such as skilled nursing facilities. In an article recently published online in […]