Vaccine slows progression of skeletal muscle disorder

A potential vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease also has been shown in mice to slow the weakening of muscles associated with inclusion body myositis, a disorder that affects the elderly.

Marianne Lovejoy's basset hounds visit patients

Healing paws

Kahuna, a 2-year-old basset hound, parks his body next to the wheelchair of an elderly Latino woman, who takes hold of his neck. Her family talks excitedly in Spanish. It’s the first time she’s used her right hand since suffering a stroke. For Marianne Lovejoy, it’s another example of the healing power of dogs. Lovejoy, […]

Dr. Laura Mosqueda

Improving care for older adults

Dr. Laura Mosqueda takes her geriatric expertise on the road with the help of a $2 million grant. The goal: to help other medical specialists relate better to older patients.

Dr. Emily Dow

Doctor for the destitute

Ask Dr. Emily Dow why she decided to practice medicine, and the answer might surprise you. Twenty years ago, she was teaching English as a Second Language to adults in Los Angeles when a middle-aged Latina student was stricken with chest pains during class. Dow wanted to call an ambulance to take her to a […]

Elderly Hands

Holiday visits can reveal decline in aging relatives

Not all holiday surprises are happy ones. People visiting aging relatives this time of year may discover mounds of unpaid bills, odd solicitations and unkempt surroundings – all possible evidence of a decline in physical or mental function, says Dr. Laura Mosqueda, director of UC Irvine’s geriatrics program.

Multigenerational living is the wave of the future

John Graham’s book, “Together Again,” presents a guide for households shared by three or more generations

Joyce Keyak

A bone to pick

Joyce Keyak takes her expertise in engineering and orthopedics to help treat cancer

Bronchitis up after wildfires

Raging wildfires that engulfed Southern California earlier this decade not only destroyed neighborhoods laying in their path, they also caused significant health problems for many who lived outside the fires’ reach.

American Indian students blend computers with culture

American Indian high school students whose futures lie in computer science got a small taste of what’s in store by participating in AISICS, the American Indian Summer Institute in Computer Sciences. The summer program at UC Irvine is funded by the National Science Foundation. This summer, students from five states and 11 tribes lived in […]

Mosqueda receives community service award

Dr. Laura Mosqueda, the Reagan Endowed Chair in Geriatrics at UC Irvine, recently received the Donald N. Phelps Community Service…