Watch for scammy stem cell therapies for COVID-19

Futurity, Oct. 18, 2021

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: The economics of why work from home favors the suburbs

UCI Professor Jan Brueckner describes how the pandemic has disrupted housing markets

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Why are people hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Suellen Hopfer discusses local attitudes to the COVID-19 vaccine

It’s complicated: Why some Northwest Latinx residents and farmworkers hesitate on COVID vaccine

NW News Network, April 23, 2021 (Audio)

Disinformation fears came true for election officials. What does that mean for future elections?

USA Today, Nov. 24, 2020

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI materials scientists discover design secrets of nearly indestructible insect

Southern California’s diabolical ironclad beetle can even survive being run over by car

UCI and international institutions link Southeast Asia megadrought to drying in Africa

Previously unknown mid-Holocene event led to major changes in human settlement

Joan Irvine Smith passes away

Philanthropist played central role in UCI’s founding, growth

UCI Dream Eaters climb to round of eight in Heroes of the Dorm collegiate esports tourney

The UCI Dream Eaters continue to devour opponents’ hopes and dreams in Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Dorm collegiate tournament. The UCI esports squad secured a berth in the round of eight after a 2-0 defeat of the Snow Frogs from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in the round of 16. “We practiced hard […]

Proteins secreted by beneficial gut microbes shown to inhibit salmonella, invasive E. coli

UCI study finds that microcins help block illness-causing bacteria in inflamed intestines