Katy Rodriguez Wimberly (left) and Manuel Paul (right).

Fulfilling the promise

UCI Cal-Bridge graduates secure state higher-education faculty positions

UC Irvine physicists discover first transformable nano-scale electronic devices

The finding has potential to fundamentally change the nature of these items

UCI researchers join DOE-funded project to reinvent lithium-ion battery recycling

R&D effort is aimed at improving environmental sustainability and lowering costs

The FASER particle detector that received CERN approval to be installed at the Large Hadron Collider in 2019 has recently been augmented with an instrument to detect neutrinos.

UC Irvine-led team is first to detect neutrinos made by a particle collider

Discovery promises to help physicists understand nature of universe’s most abundant particle

‘Terminator zones’ on distant planets could harbor life, UC Irvine astronomers say

These in-between regions could be prime sites for liquid water

American Association for the Advancement of Science honors six UC Irvine researchers

Scholars are recognized for their achievements in science and society

UCI researchers decipher atomic-scale imperfections in lithium-ion batteries

Team used super high-resolution microscopy enhanced by deep machine learning

UCI physicist proposes new experiment to detect dark matter in our solar system

SpaceQ mission involves atomic clocks on spacecraft placed close to the sun

16 UCI faculty members listed among Highly Cited Researchers

Designation amounts to ‘who’s who’ of influential scientists

UCI-led astronomers capitalize on early access to James Webb Space Telescope data

Advanced instruments aid in development of coherent picture of extragalactic nucleus