PPS Alzheimer's

UC Irvine presents “Stem Cell Research & Alzheimer’s Disease,” a public lecture and discussion about the devastation of Alzheimer’s, current therapies and potential stem cell treatments.

Alzheimer's gene

A UC Irvine study has found that a gene called TOMM40 appears twice as often in people with Alzheimer’s disease than in those without it. Alzheimer’s, for which there is no cure, is the leading cause of elderly dementia.

Alzheimer's stem cell

UC Irvine scientists have shown for the first time that neural stem cells can rescue memory in mice with advanced Alzheimer’s disease, raising hopes of a potential treatment for the leading cause of elderly dementia that afflicts 5.3 million people in the U.S.

Vaccine slows progression of skeletal muscle disorder

A potential vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease also has been shown in mice to slow the weakening of muscles associated with inclusion body myositis, a disorder that affects the elderly.

Frank LaFerla

Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia gets new chief

Neurobiologist Frank LaFerla is taking the reins of the UC Irvine Institute for Brain Aging & Dementia, hoping to boost clinical offerings and move forward with a new building dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease research.

Vitamin B3 reduces Alzheimer's symptoms, lesions

An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are…

Vitamin B3 reduces Alzheimer's symptoms, lesions

An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are…

Researcher Kim Green

Vitamin B3 battles memory loss

An over-the-counter vitamin in high doses prevented memory loss in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, and UC Irvine scientists now are conducting a clinical trial to determine its effect in humans.

Joshua Grill (left) and Marina Ritchie

Controversial Alzheimer’s drug approval sparks surprising impact

UCI MIND survey finds media coverage swayed clinical trial volunteers

Frank LaFerla
UCI Podcast Indicator

Coping with memory impairment during the holidays

School of Biological Sciences Dean Frank La Ferla offers advice for family members