Alex Marlow (right), with Kelton Mock outside UCI’s School of Medicine.

Adding an LGBTQ+ focus to M.D. training

Two UCI medical students who’ve benefited from donor support spearhead revisions to school curriculum that boost inclusivity

Healthcare workers greet an engine from the Anaheim Fire Department as it passes by UC Irvine Douglas Hospital during Tuesday’s parade of appreciation.

Mutual respect

Public safety agencies honor staff at UCI Medical Center with noon procession, but healthcare workers say the admiration goes both ways

UCI team develops smartphone application for coronavirus contact tracing

Technology anonymously notifies users of potential exposure to COVID-19

As coronavirus began spiking in California, hospitals scrambled for supplies, records show

The Sacramento Bee, April 8, 2020

Dr. James T. Goodrich, Who Operated on Conjoined Twins, Dies at 73

The New York Times, April 1, 2020

The big residency reveal

For Match Day, we profile three graduating medical students on the cusp of starting their careers

Gut feelings

Tackling cancer with innovation and compassion at UCI’s H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center

Saving Mother and Child

Multidisciplinary teams of UCI oncologists and maternal-fetal specialists utilize scientific advances to treat patients with high-risk pregnancies

Beating Cancer – One Patient at a Time

At UCI, the combination of research, evidence-based treatment and ongoing training results in state-of-the-art care

UCI stem cell researcher receives $4.8 million CIRM grant to address traumatic brain injury

UCI stem cell scientist Brian Cummings was awarded a $4.8 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the state’s stem cell agency. This grant will support the only CIRM-funded program addressing traumatic brain injury in California. TBIs are a leading cause of death & disability worldwide, and two million Americans annually (230,000 Californians) […]