Jeri Frederick, director of Center for Emeriti & Retirees

After years of service to UCI, retirees and emeriti continue to give back

70% volunteer in their communities, and 45% still serve or donate to campus programs

UCI Podcast Indicator

Black Thriving Initiative one year later

The program continues to pave new paths for research and creative expression, teaching and learning, and community engagement

Ronald Fleming (right), executive director of UCI Transportation and Distribution Services, helps U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh connect an electric car to a campus charging station, with (from left) Chancellor Howard Gillman, UC Regent John A. Pérez, UCI Vice Chancellor for Research Pramod Khargonekar, U.S. Rep. Mike Levin and Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan looking on.

UCI is No. 2 in Sierra magazine’s 2021 ‘Cool Schools’ ranking of sustainability leaders

Campus has been in top 10 for unmatched 12 straight years, with 4 first-place finishes

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Did COVID-19 cause a mental health pandemic?

Tim Bruckner discusses the importance of equity in pandemic response

UCI Law launches Fair Elections and Free Speech Center

Center will be a driving force to ensure fair elections, vibrant and free debate, and the rule of law in the digital age

Will masks be required when Orange County students go back to school in the fall?

Voice of OC, July 8, 2021

says Joyce Yu-Chia Lee, UCI clinical professor of health sciences and an advanced practice pharmacist

UCI professor receives American College of Clinical Pharmacy award

Joyce Yu-Chia Lee is the first faculty member to earn the prestigious honor

OC weekly COVID-19 averages remain stable

Spectrum News 1 (City News Service), June 15, 2021

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Why curiosity, integrity, humility and tenacity contribute to a good life

UCI’s Anteater Virtues Project teaches students four core intellectual virtues

Presidential Campus Safety Plan for review

Dear Colleagues, Available for your review and comment is a draft Presidential Campus Safety Plan (PDF) that lays a foundation for transforming UC’s culture, policies and practices to achieve a vision of safety in which all members of the community feel equally welcomed, respected and protected from harm. This draft plan was developed based on extensive input from […]