Transgenic Hydra expressing the green fluorescent protein.

UCI a historical hotbed of hydra research

UCI biologists’ groundbreaking work with the freshwater polyp hydra helped put a young campus on the map.

Heliconius erato butterfly

Butterfly vision, wing colors linked

Butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, reports the study by UCI’s Adriana Briscoe, Seth Bybee and colleagues.

Butterfly gene

Butterflies that have a duplicate gene allowing them to see ultraviolet colors also have UV-yellow pigment on their wings, reports the study by UCI’s Adriana Briscoe, Seth Bybee and colleagues.

John Avise

Examining the flawed human body

In his new book, UCI evolutionary biologist John Avise examines why flaws exist in the biological world.

Biological flaws

In his new book, UCI evolutionary biologist John Avise examines why flaws exist in the biological world.

Postdoctoral scholars in the spotlight

UC Irvine’s postdoctoral research staffers asked, “Where’s the love,” and the university responded, making February “Postdoc Appreciation Month.”

Fan-Gang Zeng

Business of research

The first time Fan-Gang Zeng invented a cochlear implant – a device he believed could help thousands regain lost hearing – things didn’t work out too well.

cochlear implants

From bench to business

The first time Fan-Gang Zeng invented a cochlear implant – a device he believed could help thousands regain lost hearing – things didn’t work out too well. The company that licensed his invention shelved the project. “Today, he says, “it benefits no one.” The hard lesson – that most inventions never reach the consumer – […]

Study shows how embryos regulate vitamin A derivatives

Human embryos that get too much or too little retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A, can develop into babies…

Cancer book receives positive review in Science

A new book on the evolution of cancer by Steven Frank, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Irvine,…