Michael Méndez, UCI assistant professor of urban planning & public policy

What’s next: The future of environmental justice

As with the coronavirus, low-income communities of color are most affected by unsustainable practices

UCI’s robotics team focuses on COVID work

Orange County Business Journal, Aug. 17, 2020

A study working with the Toyota Human Support Robot known as CARL SR.

Robots to the rescue

Socially assistive devices can help people cope in times of crisis

UC Irvine Douglas Hospital

UCI Medical Center among America’s Best Hospitals for 20 consecutive years

Programs in geriatrics, urology, nephrology and gynecology nationally ranked

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Coronavirus crisis and economic recovery

The COVID-19 crisis has intertwined economics and public health into a single issue, creating a collective action problem. Eric Spangenberg, dean of The UCI Paul Merage School of Business and consumer behavior expert, joins the UCI Podcast to share his insights into the relationship between community action and keeping Orange County safely and successfully open […]

Bill Mauer, dean of UCI’s School of Social Sciences, a professor of anthropology and director of the campus’s Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion

What’s next: The future of cash

The death of dollars has been greatly exaggerated

Chase Berman, 24, an infectious diseases researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Susan Huang, UCI Health’s medical director of epidemiology and infection prevention, realized back in late March that mobile testing labs for COVID-19 would be needed should a surge in cases happen.

Thinking outside the box

UCI infectious diseases researcher teams up with father to convert shipping container into prototype for mobile, drive-thru COVID-19 testing centers

New normal: Is COVID-19 killing cash?

CTV News, June 5, 2020

New training program could better protect Orange County nursing home workers and residents from coronavirus

Daily Pilot, May 14, 2020

Bankruptcy courts ill-prepared for tsunami of people going broke from coronavirus shutdown

The Street, May 13, 2020