Dr. Emily Dow

Doctor for the destitute

Ask Dr. Emily Dow why she decided to practice medicine, and the answer might surprise you. Twenty years ago, she was teaching English as a Second Language to adults in Los Angeles when a middle-aged Latina student was stricken with chest pains during class. Dow wanted to call an ambulance to take her to a […]

Oladele Ogunseitan

Public health: The big picture

The field of public health looks at the big picture, and that image is coming into focus at UC Irvine as its Program in Public Health marks its greatest growth stage in its young, five-year history.

A sense of purpose

Jennifer Alloo followed an unlikely path to UC Irvine School of Medicine

UCI vector biologist named Distinguished Professor

Vector biologist Anthony A. James has been named Distinguished Professor in recognition of his research into infectious diseases such as…

Focused on social justice

Doctoral candidate uses video project to expose human rights abuse

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence

Mixed blessing

Despite his ambivalence about how it’s being marketed, the co-creator of the Lyme disease vaccine sees exciting possibilities in the unique way it works