Robert S. Chang, founder and executive director of the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality.

Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality and Robert S. Chang to join UCI Law

Center integrates research, advocacy and education to promote racial equity and social justice

Peter Burke, UCI professor of electrical engineering and computer science

UC Irvine-led team of researchers uncovers battery-like functions of mitochondria

First-of-their-kind findings made possible by new generation of powerful microscopes

Dr. Mark Fisher, professor of neurology in UCI’s School of Medicine

UC Irvine-led study is first to find brain hemorrhage cause other than injured blood vessels

Discovery deepens understanding of cerebral microbleeds, may offer new therapeutic targets

Diego A. Pizzagalli

Diego A. Pizzagalli named founding director of UC Irvine depression research institute

Harvard researcher to build world-class, transdisciplinary program

Stacey Nicholas, UCI trustee.

Stacey Nicholas donates $5 million to UC Irvine to further boost diversity in STEM

Gift from UCI Foundation trustee will create Women and Engineering Program

UCI Basic Needs Center director Andrea Mora with the brand new Mobile Food Pantry.

UC Irvine’s Basic Needs Center to launch mobile food pantry on Nov. 15

Delivery vehicle will expand student access to essential provisions

Franklin Dollar, assistant professor of physics and astronomy.

UC Irvine professor to help design the most powerful laser in the world

The NSF-funded effort would help the U.S. to reclaim lead in laser technology

Melting in a cast iron pan is a pat of butter derived through a chemical process.

UC Irvine-led science team shows how to eat our way out of the climate crisis

Researchers explore the benefits of producing farm-free food

Payam Heydari, UCI Chancellor’s Professor of electrical engineering and computer science

UC Irvine is member of Defense Department-funded microelectronics research hub

USC-led business and academic group aims to accelerate domestic manufacturing

Jun Wu, Ph.D., UCI professor of environmental and occupational health

UC Irvine-led study links long-term air pollution exposure to postpartum depression in SoCal

Higher suicide risk for moms; infants may develop cognitive, emotional or other impairments