UCI app safely stores DNA on smartphones

UC Irvine computer scientists have created an app that could allow an individual to securely store and use his or her own DNA on a smartphone. GenoDroid, they said, could potentially be used for paternity and common-ancestry tests, customized cancer-fighting drugs and more.

Chronic kidney disease alters intestinal microbial flora

UC Irvine study patients with renal failure experienced changes the composition of intestinal bacterial microbes that are crucial to staving off disease-causing pathogens and maintaining micronutrient balance.

UCI researchers find cause of chemotherapy resistance in melanoma

Researchers with UC Irvine’s Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center have identified a genetic pathway in melanoma cells that inhibits the cellular mechanism for detecting DNA damage wrought by chemotherapy, thereby building up tolerance to cancer-killing drugs.

Butterflies crossbreed to increase survival odds

International genetic consortium finds butterflies also use taste and smell genes to increase their chances of living longer.

UC Irvine News Brief: Study verifies UCI team's discovery of genetic cause of schizophrenia

Recent publication by the International Schizophrenia Consortium confirms 2010 work by a group of researchers led by Dr. Steven Potkin.

Anthony Hizon

Bioinformatics boosters

Summer research program exposes community college students to emerging field.

UCI-led butterfly study sheds light on convergent evolution

Researchers find single gene controls mimicry across different species.

UCI researchers find link between environment and genetics in triggering MS

Environmental and inherited risk factors associated with multiple sclerosis – previously poorly understood and not known to be connected – converge to alter a critical cellular function linked to the chronic neurologic disease, researchers with the UC Irvine Multiple Sclerosis Research Center have discovered.

UC Irvine News Brief: Delfino awarded $3.2 million

UCI epidemiologist and his team will research effects of air pollution in elderly people.

Pierre Baldi

Award recognizes significant contributions to the field of neural networks.