A little detective work

Professor of Political Science and Social Psychology Bernard Grofman takes the mystery out of complex social issues

AIMing high

Derrick Lam helps turn data into dollars for UCI

Team player

Lorrie Minkel creates win/win situations

To make a difference

Jacqueline Hamilton seeks equilibrium

Maus tale

Finance director puts energy to good use

Anchor’s aweigh

Jayne Hess makes daunting schedule look easy

Raising the bar (1)

Intern teacher Brandon Clay had “a beautiful square-root Pythagorean theorem” to present to his seventh-grade Algebra I students. He wrote it on the board and turned expectantly to the sea of young faces – which remained totally blank. They didn’t have a clue. Clay wasn’t sure what to do next. He gazed back at the uncomprehending youngsters, […]

Tools for living

In a society dominated by science and technology, UCI humanists are revitalizing our ability to think creatively, write persuasively and value other cultures