UCI Nobel Laureate F. Sherwood Rowland passes away at 84

Renowned chemist and founding faculty member discovered that aerosol propellants were creating a hole in Earth’s ozone layer.

Scott Bollens

Conflicts of interest

Urban planning professor studies cities polarized by ethnic, political and religious differences.

2011 Lauds & Laurels recipients

Awards presented by UCI Alumni Association at May 12 ceremony.

Megan Braun is UCI's first Rhodes scholarship winner

She will pursue a master’s in international relations at University of Oxford.

Bethel Mesgana, and Jasmine Fang with the Dalai Lama

Putting her heart into holistic healthcare

UCI senior and new Dalai Lama Scholar Bethel Mesgana is dedicated to compassionate medicine.

Olive Tree Initiative branches out

UCI’s Olive Tree Initiative has sponsored its third trip to the Middle East, branched out to three other campuses and garnered national recognition.

Julia Reinhard Lupton

Shaking up Shakespeare

From drama to design, English professor Julia Reinhard Lupton thrives on innovation and collaboration.

UCI’s first Rhodes scholar

Much-lauded Megan C. Braun ’10 will study international relations at University of Oxford.

Crystal Murphy Morgan

Fighting poverty one loan at a time

Crystal Murphy Morgan studies chronic economic hardship in Africa and how micro-finance loans might help.

Ron Carlson's novel "The Signal"

Sizzling summer reads

Books by UC Irvine faculty suit all tastes.