Workers install solar panels atop the campus’s Student Center Parking Structure

UCI: We’re the coolest

Campus is first in Sierra magazine’s green schools ranking for second year in a row

Workers install solar panels atop the campus’s Student Center Parking Structure

We’re the coolest

Campus is first in Sierra magazine’s green schools ranking for second year in a row

The Dalai Lama celebrating his 80th birthday

Dalai Lama’s 80th birthday party draws 18,000 guests united behind compassion

On Monday, the spiritual leader will continue the Global Compassion Summit with discussions at the Bren Events Center on healing a suffering planet and wise leadership

earth's defender

Earth’s defender

Abigail Reyes divides her life into two parts, “B.T.” and “A.T.” – before Terence and after Terence. In February 1999, Terence Unity Freitas, an environmental activist and her “partner in work and love,” was kidnapped and murdered in Colombia. At the time, he was working to halt the plans of major oil companies to drill […]


Measuring Earth’s Meltdown

An expedition to Greenland with UCI glaciologists reveals ‘time bomb’ effects of global warming

Earth system scientists to conduct sky-high and ocean-deep research, thanks to NASA award

UC Irvine and other scientists have won a coveted $30 million NASA Earth Venture award for their Atmospheric Tomography Mission, which will study how air pollution affects fast-acting greenhouse gases in the global atmosphere.

West Antarctic melt rate has tripled: UC Irvine-NASA

A comprehensive, 21-year analysis of the fastest-melting region of Antarctica has found that the melt rate of glaciers there has tripled during the last decade.

Words from the wise

Undergraduate, graduate speakers at commencement are both first in their families to earn university degrees

Greenland will be far greater contributor to sea rise than expected

Greenland’s icy reaches are far more vulnerable to warm ocean waters from climate change than had been thought, according to new research by UC Irvine and NASA glaciologists. The work, published today in Nature Geoscience, shows previously uncharted deep valleys stretching for dozens of miles under the Greenland Ice Sheet.

West Antarctic glacier loss appears unstoppable, UCI-NASA study finds

A rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears to be in irreversible decline, with nothing to stop the entire glacial basin from melting into the sea, according to a study by researchers at the University of California, Irvine and NASA.