Gang mentality

Cheryl Maxson’s gang studies are helping to arrest youth crime

Caring partners

Bill and Marsha Link are helping UCI create a biomedical engineering program second to none

Frozen species, deep time, and marauding black holes

It all goes with the territory for Gregory Benford, a mild-mannered professor who doubles as the working physicist’s science-fiction writer

Focused on the future

David Blake thinks tomorrow’s corporate leaders need information, technology … and flexibility

Forecasting risky business

Philippe Jorion is advancing ‘new knowledge’ revolutionizing the financial industry

If the shoe fits

Skechers USA is a perfect fit for alum Philip Paccione

Waging peace

Paula Garb proves citizen diplomacy can make a difference

Which way democracy?

Leading a team of social scientists, Russell Dalton is taking the pulse of the governed

Balancing act

Alison Clarke-Stewart weighs research findings with a healthy dose of common sense

Border crossings (1)

David Malament’s work in relativity never fails to astonish