Jesse Cheng

Voice of the people

Whatever he’s done during his UC Irvine career — and he’s done a lot — Jesse Cheng has always tried to make his mother proud. “She sacrificed so much to get me here,” he explains. So when he recently called her to say he’d been chosen as student regent for the University of California, his […]

Working wonders with workers’ comp

In an era of belt tightening, UC Irvine is ahead of the game when it comes to reducing costs associated with workplace injuries

Sally Peterson

End of an era

After 35 years at UC Irvine, Sally Peterson retired June 30 from her official job as dean of students, assistant vice chancellor of student affairs — and, unofficially, university den mother, cheerleader, enforcer, negotiator, coach and mentor. During her tenure, Peterson played a major role in campus life, initiating activities, programs and policies that helped […]

Downtown Conakry, the capital of Guinea

UCI Africa Initiative lends a hand

UC Irvine group demonstrates how modest efforts can reap big rewards by donating time and energy in Africa.

Africa Initiative

A new UC Irvine group headed by neuroscientist Hans Keirstead is sending vitamins and wheelchairs to disadvantaged people in Africa. The UCI Africa Initiative aims to raise awareness about how small gestures can have a huge affect on Africans’ lives.

Jim Danziger

Danziger inspires, blazes trails at UCI

Political science professor Jim Danziger is a research pioneer and student favorite.

Brandon Gross

Ahead of his class

In a disheveled dorm room at UC Irvine, Brandon Gross — a freckle-faced college kid in flip-flops and Anteaters ball cap — loads up his backpack and heads out the door to his math class in differential equations. Nothing unusual here, except Brandon is a kid. A junior who transferred to UCI in January, Brandon […]

Spirit catcher (2)

Alumnus Nikishna Polequaptewa receives Living Our Values Award for connecting American Indian students to campus

UCI earns second round of Ford Foundation funding for dialogues

The Ford Foundation has notified UC Irvine that it will receive a second-round grant for its Difficult Dialogues program. Overseen…

Campus responds to crisis

Led by doctoral student Wei Li, UCI mobilizes an emergency relief effort for victims of the China quake