Writing across the curriculum

Susan Jarratt aims to instill a culture of writing that permeates the campus

AIMing high

Derrick Lam helps turn data into dollars for UCI

Navigator to facilitator

Suzanne Rivera ensures studies meet safeguards

Tools for success

Robert Espero helps students with disabilities reach academic goals

Creating positive change

Carol Stanley serves as advocate for staff, community members

Raising the bar (1)

Intern teacher Brandon Clay had “a beautiful square-root Pythagorean theorem” to present to his seventh-grade Algebra I students. He wrote it on the board and turned expectantly to the sea of young faces – which remained totally blank. They didn’t have a clue. Clay wasn’t sure what to do next. He gazed back at the uncomprehending youngsters, […]

Tools for living

In a society dominated by science and technology, UCI humanists are revitalizing our ability to think creatively, write persuasively and value other cultures