Dean of deans

William Schonfeld’s two decades of service have had a major impact on the campus’ largest school

Information is power

For Hoda Anton-Culver, data is key to the early detection and treatment of cancer

Cultivating curiosity

Fred Kavli supports science that benefits humanity and believes curiosity is key to success

A modern Galileo

How UCI chemist F. Sherwood Rowland saved the world

Pay dirt

Susan Trumbore discovers clues to global climate change in soil and plant life

Revealing rhythms

Pierre Baldi uses math – and music – to help transform reams of research data into biological breakthroughs

Vital links

Gary Singer ’74 drives home UCI’s impact on the community

Creative chaos

Donald Saari inspires a thinking person’s approach to problem solving.

Tools for living

In a society dominated by science and technology, UCI humanists are revitalizing our ability to think creatively, write persuasively and value other cultures