UC Irvine Medical Center receives Gold Plus Award for heart failure care

The American Heart Association has recognized UC Irvine Healthcare for their commitment to excellent care and the association’s Get With the Guidelines program.

Diabetics’ coronary calcium levels strongly linked to heart attack risk

Notable levels of calcium buildup in coronary arteries can be strong predictors of heart attacks and strokes in people with diabetes and metabolic syndrome, according to a study led by UC Irvine’s Heart Disease Prevention Program.

UCI cardiologists offer patients safer, more comfortable angioplasty option

They lead effort to train other physicians in radial artery catheterization.

American and Egyptian researchers carrying a sarcophagus

UCI cardiologist finds oldest case of coronary artery disease

A U.S.-Egyptian research team including a UC Irvine cardiologist studied CT scans of mummies – a sampling of the elite in ancient Egypt – and found that almost half showed evidence of coronary atherosclerosis in one or more of the arteries supplying blood to the heart and brain.

UC Irvine Medical Center recognized for heart failure program

American Heart Association recognizes UC Irvine’s high level of care for patients suffering heart failure.

UCI cardiologists discover 'pouch' in heart that may raise stroke risk

UC Irvine cardiologists have found a pouchlike structure inside the heart’s left atrial chamber that may be a potent source of stroke-causing blood clots. The discovery of this left atrial pouch could provide answers and inform neurologists’ efforts to prevent stroke recurrences.

The mummy of Esankh

The mummy’s curse: hardened arteries

A UCI study shows that hardening of the arteries has been detected in Egyptian mummies as old as 3,500 years, suggesting that factors causing heart attacks and strokes are not solely byproducts of modern times.

Dr. Morton Kern

Heart health breakthrough

A recent worldwide study showed that cholesterol-lowering drugs significantly reduce their risk of heart disease in healthy men and women with good cholesterol levels.

Healing hearts in rural China

Summer stint in rural China combines research with adventure

Stellar student

Regents’ Scholar explores science and humanities