UCI professor Francisco Ayala

UCI professor wins 2010 Templeton Prize

Francisco Ayala, UC Irvine professor of ecology & evolutionary biology, who has vigorously opposed the entanglement of science and religion while also calling for mutual respect between the two, has won the 2010 Templeton Prize.

Ayala Templeton

Francisco Ayala, UC Irvine professor of ecology & evolutionary biology, who has vigorously opposed the entanglement of science and religion while also calling for mutual respect between the two, has won the 2010 Templeton Prize.

Dana Roode

IT consolidation explained

A group of senior managers looking at ideas for enhancing business processes and saving money recommended that various campus IT groups consolidate into a single organization. How is it working?

Dr. Ralph Clayman named dean of medical school

Dr. Ralph Clayman has accepted the position of dean of the UC Irvine School of Medicine, pending regental approval. Chancellor…

A young student

Will you be my teacher?

Despite discouraging headlines, the prospects for highly qualified teachers trained at UC Irvine look good as older educators retire.

Teachers wanted

Layoffs and looming education cuts may dominate news headlines, but that should not deter prospective teachers from pursuing a career…

UCI's men's volleyball team

Campus salutes national champions

UCI’s men’s volleyball team was saluted by the campus community for winning its second NCAA national championship in three years.

The fun meister

Through his roles in Staff Assembly and Campus Recreation, Mike Puritz is serious about getting people to play

UC Irvine campus cheers men's volleyball team

The UC Irvine campus community celebrated the men’s volleyball national championship with a rally attended by several hundred people outside…

UC Irvine stages salute to men’s volleyball team, coach

The UC Irvine men’s volleyball team – winners of the NCAA National Championship, the MPSF conference title and four All American awards – had one more reason to be proud Wednesday as they basked in an outpouring of support from the Anteater community. Joined by Chancellor Michael V. Drake and Executive Vice Chancellor Michael R. Gottfredson, […]