2013 UCI Medalists are announced

UCI Medal honorees demonstrate pillars of excellence in academics, research, leadership and character.

Ocean plankton sponge up nearly twice the carbon currently assumed

Irvine, Calif. – Models of carbon dioxide in the world’s oceans need to be revised, according to new work by UC Irvine and other scientists published online Sunday in Nature Geoscience. Trillions of plankton near the surface of warm waters are far more carbon-rich than has long been thought, they found. Global marine temperature fluctuations […]

Middle East river basin has lost Dead Sea-sized quantity of water

Already strained by water scarcity and political tensions, the arid Middle East along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is losing critical water reserves at a rapid pace, from Turkey upstream to Syria, Iran and Iraq below.

Gene Tsudik with the GenoDroid app

Gene genie

UCI smartphone app permits secure storage, testing of DNA data

UCI app safely stores DNA on smartphones

UC Irvine computer scientists have created an app that could allow an individual to securely store and use his or her own DNA on a smartphone. GenoDroid, they said, could potentially be used for paternity and common-ancestry tests, customized cancer-fighting drugs and more.

Major cuts to surging CO2 emissions are needed now, not down the road, study finds

Halting climate change will require “a fundamental and disruptive overhaul of the global energy system” to eradicate harmful carbon dioxide emissions, not just stabilize them, according to new findings by UC Irvine and other scientists.

Atmospheric methane mystery closer to being solved

UCI researchers find that methane decline was probably linked to increased natural gas capture and use.

Wastewater reuse key to drinking water

Creative use of sewage effluent and rainfall is critical to quenching global thirst, according to sweeping new review.

James McGaugh

Making memories

UC Irvine scientists have discovered intriguing variations in the brains of people who can effortlessly recall every moment of their lives since about age 10.

Brains of people with superior memory are different

A group of people with superior autobiographical memory all share structural variations in their brain structures, a UC Irvine study finds.