Howard Gillman

A man of letters – and arts and sciences

Former dean of USC’s Dornsife College, Howard Gillman brings eclectic tastes and talents to his new role as UCI provost and executive vice chancellor

UCI Bookstore book recommendations

Recreational reading

UCI faculty and staff share their summer book selections

On the cutting edge of the cosmos

Recent astronomical discoveries confirm UCI researchers’ role as galactic groundbreakers

Sprigs of Lavender, a Lemon and an Apple

Using the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary

At-home therapy with common household items yields notable gains among children with autism

Warm ocean drives most Antarctic ice shelf loss, UC Irvine and others show

Warm ocean drives most Antarctic ice shelf loss, UC Irvine and others show. Findings are a game changer for future forecasts about thawing continent

China is outsourcing carbon within its own borders, UCI and others find

Just as the U.S. outsources dangerous carbon dioxide emissions to China, rich coastal provinces in that country are outsourcing emissions to
poorer provinces in the interior, according to UC Irvine and other climate researchers.

UCI scientists size up universe’s most lightweight dwarf galaxy

Irvine, Calif., June 10, 2013 – The least massive galaxy in the known universe has been measured by UC Irvine scientists, clocking in at just 1,000 or so stars with a bit of dark matter holding them together. The findings, made with the world’s most powerful telescopes at the W. M. Keck Observatory and published today […]

Fragile mega-galaxy is missing link in history of cosmos

Two hungry young galaxies that collided 11 billion years ago are rapidly forming a massive galaxy about 10 times the size of the Milky Way, according to UC Irvine-led research published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

UCI chemists devise inexpensive, accurate way to detect prostate cancer

Early screening for prostate cancer could become as easy for men as personal pregnancy testing is for women, thanks to UC Irvine research published today in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Enrichment therapy effective among children with autism, UCI study finds

Children with autism showed significant improvement after six months of simple sensory exercises at home using everyday items such as scents, spoons and sponges, according to