Malaria grant

UC Irvine public health professor Guiyun Yan will lead groundbreaking malaria field research in impoverished reaches of China, Myanmar and Thailand, thanks to new federal funding.

Gorilla malaria

UCI, French study finds that gorillas carry malignant malaria parasite.

UCI biologist reports original source of malaria

Researchers have identified what they believe is the original source of malignant malaria: a parasite found in chimpanzees in equatorial…

Francisco Ayala

Original source of malaria reported

Researchers have identified what they believe is the original source of malignant malaria: a parasite found in chimpanzees in equatorial Africa.

Malaria origin

Researchers have identified what they believe is the original source of malignant malaria: a parasite found in chimpanzees in equatorial Africa.

Graduate student to study spread of malaria

With a $10,000 award from the UC Irvine Graduate Division, Thomas Gilbreath will study how land-use in Africa affects the…

Genetically Modified Mosquitos

Declaring war on malaria

Anthony James knows mosquitoes, and he knows even more about the disease and illness they spread.

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: We’re tired of COVID-19, let’s go to Thailand!

Daniel Parker takes us on a tour of Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand through his work with malaria in areas of conflict

School of Medicine commencement

2020 Year in Review

Throughout a truly unprecedented and turbulent year, UCI has not only survived but thrived, a feat that wouldn’t have been possible without the strength of its community. When the coronavirus first began to spread across the globe and overwhelm healthcare systems, scientists such as Dr. Albert Chang, medical director of the Student Health Center; Dr. Susan Huang, medical director of epidemiology and […]

Graphic of COVID-19 virus

Investigating Outbreaks: Beyond the Laboratory

Well-timed Infectious Disease Science Initiative strives to make UCI a global leader in an urgent and ever-evolving field