UC Irvine gets $1 million to combat elder abuse

UC Irvine’s Program in Geriatrics will use federal grant for pilot program to preventing the abuse of people with dementia, called Take AIM Against Elder Abuse.

Settlement to fund elder abuse awareness effort in long-term-care facilities

UCI experts will train staff and support nursing home residents.

Dr. Laura Mosqueda

Campaigning against elder abuse

It will serve as clearinghouse for information, research and best practices.

UCI receives $1.7 million federal grant to be national elder abuse center

UCI will be a clearinghouse for practical information supporting federal, state and local efforts to prevent, identify and effectively respond to elder abuse.

U.S. Justice Department honors UCI’s efforts to prevent elder abuse

Elder Abuse Forensic Center is model of other communities’ efforts to prevent elder abuse.

Dr. Laura Mosqueda

US Justice Department honors UCI’s elder programs

Attorney General Eric Holder praises forensic center and founder Dr. Laura Mosqueda.

Grants to support UCI elder abuse prevention efforts

Archstone Foundation and UniHealth Foundation grants will allow the university to continue its innovative work.

UCI’s Dr. Laura Mosqueda guest-edits Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect

An expert in identifying and preventing abuse, she’s tapped for a special issue assessing efforts to combat mistreatment of the aged.

Aileen Wiglesworth

Uncovering elder abuse

Physical abuse of the elderly has long been difficult to prove because of older people’s propensity to bruise easily and their sometimes-dubious powers of recall, giving perpetrators a handy defense. But thanks to studies by UC Irvine’s Program in Geriatrics, that’s changing. The research has identified bruises most likely caused by abuse and established that […]

UCI to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day with free event

University efforts to combat problem include research, forensic center and geriatrics guide.