UC Irvine News Brief: Newspaper profiles first spinal cord injury patient to get UCI stem cell treatment

Paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident last September, Timothy Atchinson now reports some very slight sensation in his legs.

Dr. Henry Klassen

Unlocking stem cells’ potential to cure eye disease

Dr. Henry Klassen is discovering new ways to use stem cells to repair the retina, offering new hope for people suffering from retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration.

UCI neurobiologist Leslie M. Thompson

Promoting global stem cell research awareness

The international scientific community has declared Wednesday, Oct. 6, Stem Cell Awareness Day to celebrate both the advances already made in that area of research and the promise it holds for the future. As a nationally recognized leader in the field, UC Irvine will commemorate the day with two events.

Human neural stem cells restore motor function in mice with chronic spinal cord injury.

A UC Irvine study is the first to demonstrate that human neural stem cells can restore mobility in cases of chronic spinal cord injury, suggesting the prospect of treating a much broader population of patients.

New stem cell building a hub of hope, healing

Dedication of UCI’s Sue & Bill Gross Hall is milestone in effort to unlock stem cells’ potential and marks a milestone for the future of medicine.

Leslie M. Thompson

Hope for Huntington’s patients

Leslie M. Thompson has her eye on a treatment for the fatal Huntington’s disease. Stem cells may hold the key.

Frank LaFerla and Mathew Blurton-Jones

Neural stem cells offer potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease

UC Irvine scientists have shown for the first time that neural stem cells can rescue memory in mice with advanced Alzheimer’s disease, raising hopes of a potential treatment for the leading cause of elderly dementia that afflicts 5.3 million people in the U.S.

Stimulating stem cells

Field holds tremendous promise, which UCI researchers are working to fulfill

UC Irvine researchers awarded grants by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Funding supports research into advanced biological tissue imaging technologies

Lisa Flanagan

UC Irvine research team identifies glycosylation enzyme critical in brain formation

Findings may contribute to new therapeutic uses for neural stem cells