Hospital named in honor of benefactor

New 482,000-square-foot facility named after M.A. Douglas, who made posthumous donation of $21 million.

Infant in the NICU

Reducing infections, one central line at a time

Medical center takes aim at stemming patient complications and healthcare costs.

Gloria Guzman, on the monitor, translates for nurse Danielle Lawson and a patient

Hospital tests video translation service

UC Irvine Medical Center tests remote medical interpretation for patients with limited English proficiency.

Rose Jacobs

Giving doctors a checkup

Living Our Values Award recipient Rose Jacobs makes sure UCI physicians have — and keep — the proper credentials. She’s director of medical staff administration at UC Irvine Medical Center.

$21 million gift names UC Irvine Douglas Hospital

In recognition of the largest single cash gift in campus history, from the estate of M.A. Douglas, the university’s new seven-story hospital at UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange will be renamed UC Irvine Douglas Hospital.

M.A. Douglas

$21 million gift names hospital

A posthumous gift from a man who values included integrity and service completes fundraising for UC Irvine Medical Center and renames the new hospital.

UCI Podcast Indicator

UCI Podcast: Celebrating Paula Smith’s unique path on the 50th anniversary of Titl IX

The director of intercollegiate athletics discusses her journey, the label of ‘pioneer,’ what has changed and what still needs to change for women in sports

UCI Law launches Fair Elections and Free Speech Center

Center will be a driving force to ensure fair elections, vibrant and free debate, and the rule of law in the digital age

UCI-led team challenges existence of recently proposed exoplanet at Barnard’s star

Instrument designed to find distant worlds is used to determine the absence of one

UCI to lead $10 million NSF-funded center on protecting personal data privacy

Researchers will address technical, social and policy challenges of networked world