Liz Losh

Developing digital-age authors

Elizabeth Losh challenges students to become active, critical users of social media

Martiny authors Science article on nitrogen

Adam Martiny, assistant professor of Earth system science and of ecology and evolutionary biology at UC Irvine, co-authored a perspectives…

Dutt authors on-chip communication architectures book

<![CDATA[UC Irvine computer science professor Nikil Dutt (pictured) and doctoral student Sudeep Pasricha have co-authored a book titled On-Chip Communication…]]>

Cole Morgan

Books: Vital yet Vulnerable

Reflections from Cole Morgan, assistant professor of English

New crystal production method could enhance quantum computers and electronics

UC Irvine researchers make ultra-thin bismuth material for flexible technologies

UC Irvine global health researcher receives $4.3 million to study invasive malaria vector and urban malaria in Africa

Grant establishes UC Irvine as one of the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research

Beautiful african american woman sleeping in her bed at night

Dreaming is linked to improved memory consolidation and emotion regulation

UC Irvine-led study is first to pinpoint role of dreams in processing bad experiences

Teacher And Pupils Using Wooden Shapes In Montessori School.

Review shows mixed results on long-term effectiveness of early education programs

UC Irvine, other researchers find that children do initially benefit from preschool

Saurabh Chatterjee

UC Irvine study shows damaging impact of heat waves on vital organs

Heat stress affects brain, gut and liver function via a complex network of molecular mediators

Two male scientists in a research laboratory.

UC Irvine-led research team discovers new property of light

Photon momentum discovery unlocks novel, silicon-based optoelectronic capabilities