On the record

Professor emeritus Spencer Olin puts county and campus in historical perspective

From ranch to research university

UCI celebrates 40 years of innovation

Thanks for the memories

UCI neuroscientist James McGaugh recalls the campus’s pioneer days

Poetry in motion

Acclaimed choreographer Donald McKayle teaches UCI students the art of the dance.

Risky business

Predicting human behavior is no sure thing, but it earned Duncan Luce the National Medal of Science

Risk’s reward

Respected social scientist earns high honors for his life’s work

Lasting legacy

Elizabeth and Tom Tierney have turned generosity into an art form

Drawing blood

Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez tackles current events with gusto, sparing no one. He is a self-professed “equal opportunity offender.”

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence

Lord of the dance

At 70, professor, choreographer and artistic mentor Donald McKayle is not missing a beat