Mind games

Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has redefined the meaning of memories – though some might prefer she hadn’t

Credit where it’s due

Alumnus Rudy Hanley believes his humble roots fostered a career helping people

Close collaborations

Hands-on research helps UCI undergraduates learn more about their subjects – and themselves

Border crossings (1)

David Malament’s work in relativity never fails to astonish

A good life

In the work of evolutionary biologist and ordained priest Francisco Ayala, science and religion have found a peaceful coexistence

Of human bonds

A scholar’s exploration of altruism ultimately took her to its opposite, genocide, and to an understanding of the common ground both share

A modern Galileo

How UCI chemist F. Sherwood Rowland saved the world

Citizenship & the University

Humanities Out There

Writing across the curriculum

Susan Jarratt aims to instill a culture of writing that permeates the campus

Maus tale

Finance director puts energy to good use