Boellstorff named American Anthropologist editor

Tom Boellstorff, associate professor of anthropology, has been named editor-in-chief of American Anthropologist, the flagship journal of the American Anthropological…

On a mission (2)

Professor Jaime Rodríguez brings greater understanding of Latin America to campus

Walsh gets 'Closer to Truth'

The “Closer to Truth” team dropped by campus in April to interview Dr. Roger Walsh, professor of psychiatry, philosophy…

Raising her sights

Student Ana Urzua sets new goals thanks to Summer Academic Enrichment Program

Mr. Coffee

Professor Steven Topik finds a world of history in a simple cup o’ Joe

Border crossings (2)

UCI immigration experts bring new insights to a contentious debate

Lives in the balance

Jesse Cheng’s research raises life-or-death questions in capital punishment cases

Outsider looking in

Exploring the tiniest of places, geneticist Douglas Wallace is onto something really big

Answering the call

Undergrad Charles Dorsey lends a hand to hurricane victims

Pushing the edge

Self-described ‘gizmologist’ Simon Penny sees a new culture – and area of study – emerging from the digital age