Scientists project a drier Amazon and wetter Indonesia in the future

UCI-led study examines role of plants, trees in global transfer of rainfall

Powering down

UCI launches Green Labs certification program

Course of action

UCI among first campuses to offer interdisciplinary UC class fostering climate change solutions

Solar panels cover the roof of UCI’s Student Center Parking Structure.

Wind and solar power could meet four-fifths of U.S. electricity demand, study finds

UCI, Caltech, Carnegie: Investment in greater storage, transmission capabilities needed

UCI oceanographers solve mystery of phytoplankton survival in nutrient-poor Pacific

Essential iron is hoarded and recycled by the climate-regulating aquatic plants

Susan Trumbore wins Benjamin Franklin Medal

Susan Trumbore, UCI professor of Earth system science, is one of eight 2018 recipients of the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Earth & Environmental Science, bestowed by the Franklin Institute. She was cited for her “pioneering use of radiocarbon measurements in forests and soils to assess the flow of carbon between the biosphere and atmosphere, with implications […]

UCI: Earth is losing its fire power

Industrial farming disrupts burn-regrowth cycle in grasslands, study finds

Climate warming shifts lightning-caused forest fires farther north

Extreme lightning storms are the main driver of recent massive fire years in Alaska and Canada, and these storms are likely to move farther north with climate warming, potentially altering landscapes, according to findings in Nature Climate Change by researchers from UCI, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and elsewhere. Analyzing satellite images and data from ground-based networks, […]

UCI’s James Randerson is elected to National Academy of Sciences

Earth system scientist is honored for climate change studies

Older, denser neighborhoods offer better access to everyday destinations, UCI study finds

Proximity of homes to restaurants and stores reduces traffic congestion, CO2 emissions