New arts dean

Acclaimed artist and academic administrator from Alfred University in New York also is known as a builder of community partnerships.

ZotWheels bikes

ZotWheels gears up

Those blue and yellow bicycles parked around the campus represent the first self-serve bike-share program in California. It’s designed to reduce car trips and pollution.

Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon

UC campuses join forces against breast cancer

UC Irvine’s Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center is joining forces with UC colleagues to launch the Athena Breast Health Network, the largest study of its kind to improve detection, treatment and survivors’ quality of life.

Roy Fielding

A matter of protocol

Among doctoral students, it’s known as “Phase II drift,” that window of time after they’ve completed qualifying exams but before they’ve chosen dissertation topics. While some cast about for research ideas and others were lured from academia to business, Roy Fielding ’88, M.S. ’93, Ph.D. ’00 used that time at UC Irvine for a higher […]

Distinguished Professor to receive entomology award

Anthony James, Distinguished Professor of microbiology & molecular genetics and molecular biology & biochemistry, will receive the Nan-Yao Su Award…

Christina Hansen

Up to the challenge

Retiring Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Administration Christina Hansen facilitated UCI’s evolution into a research powerhouse.

V. Ara Apkarian

Imaging the inner workings of single molecules

With $20 million over five years from the National Science Foundation, UC Irvine scientists hope to become the first ever to make real-time videos of single molecules in action – a feat that has proved elusive because size and time scales are so small.

UCI chemistry center awarded $20 million from NSF

With $20 million over five years from the National Science Foundation, UC Irvine scientists hope to become the first ever…

Chemical bonding

A UC Irvine center that aims to make real-time videos of single molecules in action has been awarded $20 million over five years from the National Science Foundation.

Computer patent game

The U.S. patent system may stifle innovation and technical progress, according to a study from UC Irvine and University of Kansas School of Law.