Plant growth aided by insect-feeding animals

UCI study shows how birds, bats and lizards play their roles in preserving plant species in face of global climate change

A student's drawing of common allergy triggers

Helping kids breathe easier

Most nurses see patients in health clinics, hospitals and offices, but Jill Berg makes house calls, consulting with people who have asthma and other chronic pulmonary conditions. Her mission: to help them breathe easier.

Lauds & Laurels

The UCI Alumni Association announced that Julian Feldman, professor emeritus of information & computer sciences, will receive the Extraordinarius award at its 40th annual Lauds & Laurels ceremony May 13.

Getting the lead out

Oladele Ogunseitan picks up a cell phone and tosses it into a small wood chipper in his UC Irvine lab. Is he conducting a wacky experiment? Overreacting to one too many dropped calls? Actually, Ogunseitan grinds up old phones for a purely scientific cause: He’s studying toxic electronic waste. Chair of the population health & […]

Advancing high-tech breast cancer care

Handheld laser scanner developed at UCI improves detection, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

A student's drawing of common allergy triggers

Bridging the healthcare divide

Most nurses see patients in health clinics, hospitals and offices, but Jill Berg is different. She makes house calls. Berg consults with people who have asthma and other chronic pulmonary conditions in their homes, churches and schools, often venturing into L.A.’s toughest neighborhoods. Her mission: to help them breathe easier. “I love getting out there […]

News articles on President Obama

Race colors public opinion of Obama

Study finds that race matters in public’s opinion of President Barack Obama and his policies.

Obama Race

‘Hidden biases’ behind opposition to president and his healthcare plan.

Bruce Blumberg

A chemical cause of obesity?

Biologist Bruce Blumberg believes industrial pollutants called obesogens are contributing to America’s obesity epidemic.

Former professor of film & media studies dies at 57

Anne Friedberg, former professor of film & media studies at UC Irvine, passed away Oct. 9 at the age of…