Understanding autism

Research by Pauline Filipek shows early diagnosis can lead to profoundly improved lives

Drawing blood

Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez tackles current events with gusto, sparing no one. He is a self-professed “equal opportunity offender.”

East meets West

UCI researchers using high-tech tools are gaining insight into how the Eastern practice of acupuncture works. New medical treatments may result

Information is power

For Hoda Anton-Culver, data is key to the early detection and treatment of cancer

Mixed blessing

Despite his ambivalence about how it’s being marketed, the co-creator of the Lyme disease vaccine sees exciting possibilities in the unique way it works

Troubled waters (1)

Pollution from unknown sources has forced the closing of dozens of Southern California beaches. Orange County officials have turned to UCI’s Stan Grant for help

Making it happen

Corona del Mar residents Robert R. and Margaret Sprague know what it means to make things happen. They donated $5 million through their family’s foundation to launch construction of a state-of-the-art cancer and genetics research facility in UC Irvine’s Biomedical Research Center. This is just one example of the Spragues’ commitment to UCI’s future as […]