Ballet Dancers en pointe

Keeping dancers on their toes

New technique allows MRIs of ballet dancers en pointe, aiding injury treatment and prevention.

Human neural stem cells restore motor function in mice with chronic spinal cord injury.

A UC Irvine study is the first to demonstrate that human neural stem cells can restore mobility in cases of chronic spinal cord injury, suggesting the prospect of treating a much broader population of patients.

Susan Turner

What happens after parole?

UCI professor Susan Turner studies crime and punishment to help state policymakers develop prison and parole programs based on effectiveness — not emotion or politics.

Susan Turner

Just the facts

Susan Turner’s office at UC Irvine looks as cheerful as a kindergarten classroom, with a bright mural of butterflies painted by her mother and a vase filled with flowers crafted from beads. Her surroundings belie the often grim task at hand: researching crime and punishment. As director of UCI’s Center for Evidence-Based Corrections and a criminology, law […]

New stem cell building a hub of hope, healing

Dedication of UCI’s Sue & Bill Gross Hall is milestone in effort to unlock stem cells’ potential and marks a milestone for the future of medicine.

Dr. Suzy Kim

Helping spinal injury patients move forward

Dr. Suzy Kim knows – from personal experience – that early, rigorous rehab is key for spinal injury patients.

Hub of healing

What excites Nan Luke about the new Sue and Bill Gross Hall: A CIRM Institute at UC Irvine isn’t the spacious clinic or pristine laboratories, offices and meeting rooms. It’s the interaction that will take place there between patients like herself and researchers. Both are driving the effort to see if and how stem cells […]

Cyrus Bonczkowski

Summer camp for burn survivors

Children treated at UC Irvine Medical Center find support among others with similar injuries.

Building robots to fix water pipes

UCI engineers are working on robotic technology to rehabilitate the nation’s aging water infrastructure.

Man grabbing his neck

New hope for chronic pain sufferers

UCI center takes multidisciplinary approach to managing chronic suffering with its new Center for Pain Management.