UC Irvine Advisory: Social sciences speaker series

Social sciences speakers to discuss the brain and behavior, immigration and state politics.

UC Irvine sociologist Cynthia Feliciano

Internet love not colorblind, study says

UCI study of online daters shows race-based preferences prevail, especially among whites.

Street-wise scholar

Pamela Ruiz studies ways to end gang strangleholds in Honduras and the U.S.

Construction at UCI

A year of growth, achievement

The year has been exciting and rewarding for UC Irvine – from promising new research collaborations to impactful breakthroughs, dedicated outreach projects, diverse cultural activities, continued campus growth and athletic success.

Ruiz named interim dean of humanities

Vicki Ruiz has been named interim dean of UC Irvine’s School of Humanities, which includes 12 departments and 2,650 students.…

Prime time

Pioneering medical education program bridges cultural divide

Leading by example

Senior Marlen Kanagui receives Lauds & Laurels award for helping Latinos succeed in school

Paying it forward

Inspired by a mentor while a student at UCI, social sciences lecturer Jeanett Castellanos now mentors others

Border crossings (2)

UCI immigration experts bring new insights to a contentious debate

On the rebound

Leticia Oseguera makes the jump from star basketball player to faculty member