UCI researchers analyzed Antarctic air samples to learn of a 70-percent increase in atmospheric hydrogen over the past 150 years

Earth system scientists at UCI studied air trapped in compacted layers of Antarctic ice and snow to come up with some answers and a few new questions about the amount of molecular hydrogen in our planet’s atmosphere. H2 is a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning and the oxidation of methane, among other sources, […]

Sanghyuk Shin and Miriam Bender, associate professors in UCI’s Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing.

Nursing’s role in pandemic research

Faculty and grad students in UCI’s Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing conducted holistic studies of multiple dimensions of COVID-19

Dr. Krishnansu Tewari

UCI receives record $592 million in research funding for fiscal 2020-21

12 percent more than last year, amount reflects strong support for campus mission

Researchers seek to understand COVID-19 medication trends

Pharmacy Today, Aug. 1, 2021

Stuck at home, separated from teachers, children may have faced more severe abuse during pandemic, research suggests

The 74, July 21, 2021

Tirtha Banerjee, UCI assistant professor of civil & environmental engineering

Banerjee receives NSF funding to establish international ‘network of networks’ on wildfire research

Research will address the fundamental knowledge gaps in the science and engineering aspects of wildfires

Victoria Lowerson Bredow, right, with Connie McGuire

Research solidarity with communities

Newkirk Center fellowship program teaches interdisciplinary graduate students a more collaborative, inclusive way to engage with groups they study

Philip Felgner, UCI professor in residence of physiology & biophysics and director of the campus’s Vaccine Research and Development Center

UCI professor wins Spain’s prestigious Princess of Asturias award for scientific research

Philip Felgner is one of seven honored for contributions to designing COVID-19 vaccines

UCI researchers part of federally funded effort to boost broadband connectivity in rural US

UCI electrical engineering and computer science researchers are part of a rural wireless connectivity research project that recently received $8 million from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The funds will help the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research program establish a new facility in central Iowa dedicated to driving innovation and […]

UCI researchers win funding to shed light on interactions between metabolism, immunity

The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group has named two UCI researchers as Allen Distinguished Investigators. Michelle Digman, associate professor of biomedical engineering, and Jennifer Prescher, professor of chemistry, were among 10 academic experts chosen this year to explore the relationship between metabolism and the human immune system. The UCI scientists were made co-principal investigators on […]