Hoag donates $500,000 to Paul Merage School of Business

Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian donated $500,000 to support programs at the Center for Health Care Management and Policy at UC…

Compassionate calling

Day or night, oncology nurse Julie Boyle is there for her patients

Unifying force

‘Hospital Hero’ Lila Moulton brings people together at the medical center

Lion king

Jeffrey Chin and other UCI students find new audiences for ancient Chinese dance

The richness of writing

UCI’s illustrious creative writing program continues to make an indelible impression

Celebrity bio

UCI mascot Peter the Anteater: the mammal, the myth, the legend

From ranch to research university

UCI celebrates 40 years of innovation

Healing with heart

Dr. Marianne Cinat gently restores health and hope to burn victims

Value added

Chancellor Michael Drake sees a values-driven UCI shaping the 21st century

Breaking the silence

Confronting terror with truth, Njeeri wa Ngugi is inspiring women worldwide