The new medical education building

Blazing a trail for 21st century medicine

The new medical education facility was designed with future of healthcare – and the planet – in mind.

Flightless mosquitoes help control dengue fever

A new strain of mosquitoes in which females cannot fly may help curb the transmission of dengue fever, according to UC Irvine and British scientists.

Julka Almquist

Exam room design affects patient satisfaction

Grad student correlates innovative design with increased communication, patient satisfaction.

Amy Townsend-Small

‘Green’ spaces may worsen global warming

Turfgrass management can create more greenhouse gas than plants remove from atmosphere, study finds.


Turfgrass management may create more greenhouse gas than plants remove from atmosphere.

James Fallon

New stroke therapy successful in rats

People with impaired mobility after a stroke soon may have a therapy that restores limb function long after the injury, if a supplemental protein works as well in humans as it does in paralyzed rats.

Neuron stroke

People with impaired mobility after a stroke soon may have a therapy that restores limb function long after the injury, if a supplemental protein works as well in humans as it does in paralyzed rats.

Year of discovery, growth at UCI

High points of 2009 range from the volleyball court to the operating room with demonstrations of drive and dedication by UC Irvine students, faculty and staff.

Oladele Ogunseitan and Jean-Daniel Saphores

Solving the e-waste dilemma

Electronic devices could create significant environmental and health problems after they are thrown away. UC Irvine researchers are working with engineers, manufacturers and public health officials to find solutions.

Charles Limoli

Stem cells alleviate tumor treatment side effects

Human embryonic stem cells could help people with learning and memory deficits after radiation treatment for brain tumors, suggests a new UC Irvine study.