Rose Jacobs

Giving doctors a checkup

Living Our Values Award recipient Rose Jacobs makes sure UCI physicians have — and keep — the proper credentials. She’s director of medical staff administration at UC Irvine Medical Center.

Soil microbes produce less atmospheric CO2 than expected with climate warming

As global temperatures increase, microbes in soil become less efficient over time at converting carbon in soil into carbon dioxide, a key contributor to climate warming.

2010 Medal

UCI’s most prestigious honor, the Medal, which annually confers lifelong recognition on those who have made exceptional contributions to the university’s mission of teaching, research and public service will be given to three individuals and one couple this fall.

Port-au-Prince hours after earthquake.

From the ground up

It took scarcely 35 seconds Jan. 12 for a magnitude 7.0 earthquake to cripple Haiti, flattening its capital and killing more than 200,000 people, but it will take many years for the island nation to recover. While devastating quakes have since struck in Chile, Japan and elsewhere, Haiti’s situation is unique. Desperately poor before the […]

UCI professor Francisco Ayala

UCI professor wins 2010 Templeton Prize

Francisco Ayala, UC Irvine professor of ecology & evolutionary biology, who has vigorously opposed the entanglement of science and religion while also calling for mutual respect between the two, has won the 2010 Templeton Prize.

Ayala Templeton

Francisco Ayala, UC Irvine professor of ecology & evolutionary biology, who has vigorously opposed the entanglement of science and religion while also calling for mutual respect between the two, has won the 2010 Templeton Prize.

UC Irvine Douglas Hospital

UCI fundraising project surpasses $500 million

Spearheaded by the UC Irvine Foundation, the Shaping the Future $1 billion campaign has surpassed the halfway mark as it strives to generate private support for undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships.

Campaign milestone

The largest fundraising effort in the history of Orange County has just passed its midpoint – reaching $512 million on the way to its $1 billion goal.

UC Irvine News Brief: New CUSA book

“Global Environmental Change & Human Security,” recently published by the MIT Press, features content and editing by several UC Irvine scholars.

Lauds & Laurels

The UCI Alumni Association announced that Julian Feldman, professor emeritus of information & computer sciences, will receive the Extraordinarius award at its 40th annual Lauds & Laurels ceremony May 13.