#IamUCI – Anteater class of ’23 is ready to take on the future
#IamUCI – Class of 2023 is the culmination of a unique and challenging time in higher education. But Anteaters are known for their spirit, and these graduates will head boldly into their futures with bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from one of the nation’s finest public research universities.
Here are their stories:

School of Law

B.F.A., dance
Claire Trevor School of the Arts

School of Medicine

B.A., literary journalism
B.A., English
School of Humanities

School of Social Ecology

B.S., materials science and engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Program in Public Health

B.S., pharmaceutical sciences
School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences

B.S., biochemistry and molecular biology
School of Biological Sciences

Ph.D., informatics
Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences

B.A., education sciences
B.A., political science
B.A., social policy and public service
School of Education
School of Social Sciences

B.A., business administration
The Paul Merage School of Business

B.A, education sciences
B.A., English
School of Education
School of Humanities

Ph.D., chemistry
School of Physical Sciences